Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We know the next president.

Romney at a "fundraiser" stated that he is "for America" by saying that 47% of America thinks they are "entitled to homes, food, and health care”. Romney said that 47% of America "feel victims" saying that they are entitled to help from America. Of course Obama campaign clearly took the chance and got this video using it to help them selves. Romney is clearly the best choice for not voting for this comment on it but hey, Obama only helps us and Romney only kicks the weak while they are down.

As said by Mitt Romney"Of course there's a very different approach of the two different campaigns, as I point out I recognize that among those that pay no tax, approximately 47 percent of Americans, I'm not likely to be highly successful with the message of lowering taxes. That's not as attractive to those who don't pay income taxes as it is to those who do. And likewise those who are reliant on government are not as attracted to my message of slimming down the size of government. And so I then focus on those individuals who I believe are most likely to be able to be pulled into my camp." From Fox news as said by Mitt Romney

The full video about what Romney said at the fundraiser was published. Now he comments more on it about how he was only talking about what was going on around the big crowd of rich people that a funding a campaign about his presidency. The rich only want two things out of helping someone run for president one is a bigger profit so lower taxes, two is more freedom in there business.

Obama comment on this video was "One of the things I learned as president is you represent the entire country. If you want to be president, you have to work for everyone." In this comment people can see you do learn things as president and while being president you learn that you work for everyone not just the rich or poor, if one disagrees ask why.


  1. What do you think he meant by "victims"?

  2. yeah, if i could vote romney would have lost my vote right there... smh

  3. Maybe what he said sounds harsh, but it’s the truth! There are so many people who abuse the help every hard worker pays taxes to give them. For those who work, it seems like you would agree too; it’s your money paying for people to not work! On the other hand, I know that some people actually are trying, but I believe that the majority of that 47% is lazy people who feel like getting paid for nothing!

    1. The Just World Fallacy

      The tendency for people to want to believe [in a just world] so strongly that when they witness an otherwise inexplicable injustice they will rationalize it by searching for things the victim might have done to deserve it. This deflects their anxiety, and lets them continue to believe the world is a just place, but often at the expense of blaming victims for things that were not, objectively, their fault.

  4. wow. dissapointing.
