Monday, October 29, 2012

Back in my day...

The common line we hear from our elders, back in my day. Well back in the day there was no religion in politics. Most people today see that as wrong well our countries were founded as a free domain. We had everything as no religion here and here, Church can go here and here. But now... there is religion in everything. The Senate has more and more religious views and they don't stop. Let’s take a breather and go back and view the seventeen hundreds. When the time was free. A man could vote and say he is the best man for this country and stop there and watch the countries change over and over. Time was simpler and in a way better than us. Here people see as religion and the government as one, well are we the pope and in a kingdom. I don't think so but hey if we are in screwed. The church and state when this great country was founded was formed on free choice and separation of state and church but now... the church and state are now a part of each other which sucks because... The church and state should not mix. Like Biden said when the v.p debate was up, this is my option I think abortion is wrong but I do have the say that it is your choice. This hit a home run for me making me say this is a man that should be a good view point for all American politicians

Friday, October 19, 2012

Obama Romney Roast

 The president and Mr.Romney sat on either side of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York during the Al Smith white-tie charity dinner. They sat, joked, ate with rich Catholics to win points, and acted like things weren't the slightest bit awkward right after the tense debate. The jokes ranged from themselves to making fun of the other, getting points across in a light manner, downplaying mistakes, and possibly just having fun. Obama jested  that he was "attacked as a celebrity because I was so popular with our allies overseas. I have to say I am impressed with how well Governor Romney has avoided that problem." Hilarious. Romney retaliated with things like “My job is to lay out a positive vision for the future of the country, and their job is to make sure no one else finds out about it. Tomorrows headlines will read Obama Embraced by Catholics; Romney Dines With Rich People." There were wife jokes, rich guy jokes, and jokes on themselves. The dinners 'charity' goes to earn points with child molesters in a broken church.

Richard Oppel. Amid Brutal Campaign, a respite. With jokes. Web. New York Times. 10/19/12

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Obamas on the issues

With the presidential debate only a few weeks away I think it would be a good idea to review our candidate, Presidents Obama policies on a few big issues.

LGBT Rights: Obama views this as a right that everyone should be given so that they can live the life that they want and not be secluded from life like other people secluded them for the life they live. Obama wants to give them the same rights as heterosexuals. It does not matter by you skin color or your sexuality it is what comes from within not the out side.

National Security: Obama wants to end our wars bring our people home, he wants to stay out of wars but if need be he will push for a war with Iran and North Korea over problems with nuclear weapons. Obama is also trying to get rid of all our nuclear weapons along with our allies to make the world a safer place from a nuclear threat. Obama has already showed that he means well in the fact that he ended the Iraq war and brought those troops home.

Health Care: Obama is making insurance more affordable for people who need it and increasing the benefit's in health care while keeping the private sectors of health care. Obama wants to give more strength to medicare lowering the prices and the cost of health care together. Obama wants to give women the same rights as everyone else.  Obama in health care about how they get charged more for the same thing. Obama wants everyone to be covered by health care in one way or another, so that they can be healthy in life.

Energy: Obama wants cars more fuel efficient by doubling the gas mileage that they currently have. Obama has also made seventy five percent of the oil at home available for use. Obama wants us to have a brighter future meaning he wants us to have a cleaner energy source such as solar energy and wind energy. Obama has made many jobs in clean energy open up once he was in office by funding clean energy.

The Economy: In the economy Obama has made thing happen, he has added jobs in clean energy, made oil more available and has to get more money out of the rich while keeping taxes lower for middle and lower classes. Obama has to do many things to help the economy and is still working on it, in the next decade Obama plans to pay off 4 trillion in the debt by making the rich pay a little more.

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