Monday, October 29, 2012

Back in my day...

The common line we hear from our elders, back in my day. Well back in the day there was no religion in politics. Most people today see that as wrong well our countries were founded as a free domain. We had everything as no religion here and here, Church can go here and here. But now... there is religion in everything. The Senate has more and more religious views and they don't stop. Let’s take a breather and go back and view the seventeen hundreds. When the time was free. A man could vote and say he is the best man for this country and stop there and watch the countries change over and over. Time was simpler and in a way better than us. Here people see as religion and the government as one, well are we the pope and in a kingdom. I don't think so but hey if we are in screwed. The church and state when this great country was founded was formed on free choice and separation of state and church but now... the church and state are now a part of each other which sucks because... The church and state should not mix. Like Biden said when the v.p debate was up, this is my option I think abortion is wrong but I do have the say that it is your choice. This hit a home run for me making me say this is a man that should be a good view point for all American politicians


  1. Why isnt there any pictures on this blog? -_- It makes it kind of like I'm reading a book. and not a fun blog site! (:

  2. It's not a fun blog site, that's why.
